OSTRÓW WIELKOPOLSKI - The exhibition of the sculptures, meetings with visiting young people
On 14th November 2014 at 5 pm in the Stefan Rowiński Public Library the vernissage of the exhibition of Paweł Bryliński's sacred sculpture
took place in the 200th anniversary of his birthday presented by Ewa and Michał Chmielewscy. The owners of sculptures, the descendants of
Paweł Bryliński, priests, the organizers of the exhibition and a numerous group of fans of the works of Paweł Bryliński participated in the vernissage.
At the exhibition there were 13 authentic sacred sculptures of the chisel of Paweł Bryliński which were discovered or found within the last fifteen
years by Ewa and Michał Chmielewscy. The exhibition was enriched with the photographs of the sculptures. A beautifully published and richly
illustrated catalogue, published by the Stefan Rowiński Public Library, and occasional postcards, published by the Social Committee of redeeming
the Sacred Sculpture of Paweł Bryliński, closed the whole event. Many students from schools in Ostrów Wielkopolski and outside visited the exhibition,
which was held to 12th December 2014.