The authors of the project entitled "Saints at the Polish Crossroads - Southern Wielkopolska" are Ewa i Michał Chmielewscy.

    The thinking behind the project is the sentence of Kazimierz Żygulski, a cultural sociologist and a graduate from the Lviv University: "So that the culture can last, each generation must be convinced anew of the value of its cultural goods." This concept is a call to take action to save the heritage of folk culture, which is the best part of the national culture. In order to persuade our generation of the value of the cultural goods, they should be presented with the achievements of Polish folk culture and its values.

History of the Project:

    The project started in 2000 at the suggestion of the Social Committee for Saving the Sacred Sculpture of Paweł Bryliński in Chotów.

Aims of the Project:
protection of the cultural heritage of the region,
search for Paweł Bryliński's unknown sculptures and creating photographic documentation,
preservation of the monuments of folk sculpture art in southern Wielkopolska, especially the works of Paweł Bryliński,
disseminating the knowledge about the folk culture,
promotion of the regional folk culture in Ostrów Wlkp. and the most immediate surroundings as well as in other poviats in southern Wielkopolska,
arousing interest in the folk culture and protection of its goods among the inhabitants of the region,
providing the inhabitants of the Wielkopolska region with the knowledge about Paweł Bryliński's works,
strengthening the regional sense of identity.

Expected effects:
increase in the interest in the folk culture of southern Wielkopolska,
strengthening the regional identity,
preservation of the monuments of folk sculpture art in southern Wielkopolska, especially the works of Paweł Bryliński,
increase in the interest in the literature about the region.

Participants of the Project:

The participants and receivers of the exhibitions, lectures and publications are broad and diverse groups of the inhabitants of the town of Ostrów Wielkopolski and the surrounding areas (teachers, students and individuals), as well as all Internet users.

Forms of Work:
Archival and local penetration:
Systematic collecting of a new photographic documentation and making local interviews.
a. publishing of the book "Saints at the Polish Crossroads." Part 1,
b. newspaper and Internet publications,
c. photographic exhibitions of Paweł Bryliński's sculptures.
Co-operation with institutions, self-government and social organizations as well as individuals.